My dear friend Emily McConnel over at
The Imaginary world of Emily McConnell did a Bookshelf Tag post a while back, so I decided it would be fun for my readers to see what is on my bookshelf. Here goes!
Describe your bookshelf and any special way you have of organizing your books:
Both of my bookshelves sit right outside the door to my room. The white one is mostly full of casual reads, while the brown one (except for the very top) is full of history books.
What is the thickest (most amount of pages) book on your shelf?
That would be my archaeological study Bible at over 2300 pages.
What is the smallest (least amount of pages) book on your shelf?
A children's baseball book by the title of Kaboone is sitting on my shelf at around 32 pages.
Is there a book you received for your birthday?
I received these three books above (The Tamarack Murders, Gone to Ground, and Free) as birthday gifts for my 18th and 20th birthdays.
What is the smallest (height and width wise) book on your shelf?
My itty-bitty little pocket dictionary.
What is the biggest (height and width wise) book on your shelf?
This one is sad but it's a book of photos from 9/11. It helps to remind me to never forget, something I think our country has been trying to do these days.
Is there a book from a friend on your shelf?
A manuscript copy of Free from and by Emily McConnel :)
Most expensive book?
It is actually a pocket sized leather-bound book series of the Hobbit and Lord of the Rings. This set was so pretty and I love these books so I got the set as a birthday present for myself :)
The last book you read on the shelf?
The Fellowship of the Ring :)
Of all these books on the shelf, which is the first that you read?
Probably At Home in Mitford.
Do you have the complete series of any book series?
I have almost the complete Mitford series by Jan Karon (at least it was complete until I found out there were two new books in the series AFTER I took the picture). I have both the Hunger Games and Divergent trilogy. I also have the Hobbit+Lord of the Rings series.
What is the newest addition to your shelf?
Now I work at a library and get the chance to take any discards home for free. Due to this I usually have a lot of new additions, but one I am particularly excited to read is a historical cowboy book titled The Willow Field.
What book has been on your shelf forever?
I have had The Good Luck Colt since I was about seven :)
What is the most recently published book on your shelf?
Rescuing Hope, a fictional story illustrating a personal experience with human trafficking, is my newest book published just last year.
The oldest book on your shelf (As in, the actual copy is old?)
I don't know when this was published but The Good Luck Colt is the oldest looking book I have on my shelf.
A book you won?
Soul's Gate and A Home for My Heart are two books that I have won at writing conferences.
A book you would never let out of your sight?
This may seem a bit selfish but there are six books I would not let go of, the Divergent Series, Rescuing Hope, my engraved bible, and the Tamarack Murders. All six of these books are my favorites and I want to keep them really nice. The Tamarack Murders is one of the more important ones I want to keep tabs on because it is personally signed by my favorite author :)
Most beat-up book?
If the South Won Gettysburg is the most beat up book I have. It may look fine on the outside but open it up....
...and it is coming apart on the inside.
Most pristine book?
Rescuing Hope, since its my newest book in terms of publication year, also is my most pristine.
A book from your childhood?
A baseball book titles Kaboone!
A book that is not actually your book?
This book, The Five Love Languages, is my mom's but I borrowed it for a bible study.
A book that is your favorite color?
I just love the brown hues on the cover of this historical romance titled, A Promise For Breanna.
A book that has been on your shelf the longest time that you still have not read?
Lewis and Clark in the Bitterroot is a book I have has since middle school but still have yet to read. I will get around to it eventually :)
Any signed books?
Several in fact! Here they are pictured in a stack above.
The Star Wars Trilogy, which was a Christmas gift from my brother!
Gone to Ground by Brandylyn Collins, a birthday gift.
Soul's Gate by James Rubart.
Circles in the Snow by Patrick McManus.
Also the Tamarack Murders by Patrick McManus.
Then a signed manuscript copy of Free by my good friend Emily McConnel.
There you have it! A little taste of some of the books I have on my shelf. Have you guys read any of the books pictured above? Thanks for stopping by and leave a comment below!